Full color biomech sleeve tattoo. brown, green and white colors. Alien metal parts intersects on the arm with green lights coming from the inside. Masterfully done by by the best tattoo artist Jerry Magni, Bergamo, Milan, Lugano, Italy.

Another Biomech Sleeve.

This Biomech was part of a collection of drawings I did between the middle and end of 2017.

Being a finished design there wasn’t much to discuss about, after having chosen the colour variation between the three I had made available and having taken his arm measurements, necessary to prepare the stencil, the only thing left to do was scheduling the sessions.

This guy came from Friuli-Venezia Giulia, so I thought it best not to make him travel 7 hours (round trip) just for taking measurements.
I have enough experience to be able to adapt my work to the body of my clients with a few simple measurements that they can take at home and send me by e-mail.

Some last minute changes are always necessary obviously, but generally nothing too demanding.
The application of such a large stencil always takes time, therefore, during the first session, we limited ourselves to tracing the outline.
From the following session we hit the ground running, first with the shading then with the colouring.

This guy definitely has a good resistance, which enabled us to cut down on processing time.
We would have probably done even better if, thanks to his excellent resistance, we had started working in the morning instead of the afternoon, but having to drive a long distance there wasn’t any point in making him get up at 5 a.m. 😀

Everything carried on smoothly apart from a small problem, unfortunately his body rejected the light green ink of the brand I usually use and which I had bought especially for this piece. As soon as he told me I threw that ink in the trash, which is something I always do if I realize that someone has a problem with a colour. Better a new bottle in the trash than to risk with other clients.

seventh sitting Full color biomech sleeve tattoo. brown, green and white colors. Alien metal parts intersects on the arm with green lights coming from the inside. Masterfully done by by the best tattoo artist Jerry Magni, Bergamo, Milan, Lugano, Italy. I promptly replaced that colour with another one but the same problem occurred again.
So I got rid of that ink too, and to avoid any problems I decided to create a mixture with the colours with which he hadn’t shown any kind of reaction and finally the problem was solved.

Apart from this small problem, which sounds worse than it actually was, work proceeded quickly.


I usually ask clients to come back once the tattoo has healed in order to verify the need for potential touch-ups and to take pictures and videos of the healed tattoo, but as I was suggesting this he made me understand that he didn’t really feel like traveling all this way just for that, but he left saying that he will come back to continue the work…

This is very good news and hopefully it will be confirmed very soon 😀


Look at the images of the working process below.