Lately I’ve decided to convert some video animations I did over 15 years ago, when my main occupation was that of web designer, in particular creating animated websites with Macromedia Flash. Nowadays conveying swf files on the web has become problematic, especially on mobile devices. This video was an introduction for a website, or rather, the animation was the website. In fact, it ended with the credits and buttons (the squares that move at the end of the video) with the usual content: who, what, how, where and why. The animation was divided into several files that were loaded dynamically to maintain a smooth animation even with a slow connection. In 2001, at least in Italy, most connections were still 56Kb. The music was composed by maestro Damiano Rota and was structured into small overlapping loops in order to achieve different dynamics. This too was done to minimize the file weight without compromising the quality of the soundtrack. I think you’ll find this short break from the tattoo world interesting 😉