Tatuaggio surreale su polpaccio con un castello stile cartoon, una mano verde che versa lava, sullo sfondo un vulcano che erutta e un cielo viola con diverse lune. Al di sotto delle punte biomeccaniche. Il tatuaggio si chiude con un tema grafico e la scritta che da titolo all'opera. Eseguito da Jerry Magni, Bergamo, Milano, Lecco

Clear ideas.

The requests of this loyal customer are always unusual, creative and pretty precise, he has such a conviction about the elements to be included that I don’t even bother asking for their meaning unless they leak out during our discussions.

For this tattoo in particular, the combination of elements and styles was so unusual that a little evaluation was necessary. The work is a sort of tribute to his father and, as can be seen from the images, includes: a castle; some planets; a missile; a hand from which lava flows, a vaguely biomechanical theme, pills and the inscription that gives this work its title.

At a certain point we decided that all the elements, excluding the biomech, had to be cartoonish, while the biomech had to be inspired by a tattoo he had seen and liked very much, I obviously didn’t want to copy it so I created one ad hoc inspired by that.

When the request and theme are so precise, the creative process suffers, because it doesn’t leave the artist much room for action, if not limited to the style to be used, and in order to please the client one risks losing sight of the work as a whole.

Probably the biomech would have made more sense if it had also been cartoonish, but the client was so sure of what he wanted and of the combination that I tried to satisfy him to the best of my ability, also because a cartoon-style biomech would risk being ridiculous.

The volcano in the background was my only contribution to the composition, in addition of course to the realization of the drawing.

Unusual result

Not knowing the full story nor the meaning behind this combination of elements, to which I tried to give coherence, I lived it almost as a mere commission rather than a creation, so when I look at it it’s as if it didn’t have enough ”soul “.

The final result is definitely unusual compared to my portfolio, but that’s okay, if the client is sure of what he wants and is happy with the result, it doesn’t mean the artist must necessarily twist the idea in order to respond to his aesthetic/artistic sense.

As long as the tattoo can still make a good show of itself.

A challenging surface

Unfortunately, for reasons more or less unknown to me, this guy’s legs are covered in scars and blows that made the surface somewhat difficult to tattoo and these irregularities are even more visible now that they are tattooed, or at least I notice them more.

Due to the lower blood pressure in the lower leg area, healing is always slower and difficult and in this case it wasn’t treated very well, which required several touch-ups, but in the end the result, even if unusual, is very unique and despite the discrepancy present in my portfolio, this work certainly doesn’t fail to strike the observer 😀


Below you can find the stages of processing.