The Joker is one of my favourite subjects to draw, so I was thrilled when Kai told me that a guy who wanted a reinterpretation of the Joker was coming over that day.
The client showed up with a black and white and definitely badly done drawing downloaded from the Internet.
Although the design was very questionable, I decided to maintain its basic elements (the jester’s hat decorated with flames, skulls instead of bells, a cloud of skulls as background and the “satanic” tongue) so as not to revolutionize the client’s wishes.
I armed myself with pencil and paper and redrew everything my own way.
Regarding colour, for me there wasn’t any doubt: “The Joker MUST be in colour”.
But the client was skeptical, so I told him that I would have coloured it anyway and that the following day he could choose between the B/W and colour version of the tattoo.
After seeing the coloured drawing his skepticism immediately vanished 😉
I had taken into account at least 6/7 hours of work, but considering my early return and the consequent impossibility to divide the work into two close sittings, I wondered if the client would have been able to put up with such a long sitting.
Carlos Pecka, a colleague working in the same studio, reassured me telling me that Norwegians are rocks and that they can easily stand long sittings. True! What can I say, Norwegians are definitely rocks 🙂