Tatuaggio biomeccanico a tutta manica a colori realizzato dal miglior tatuatore Jerry Magni, Bergamo, Milano, Crema, Cremona, Lecco, Como, Varese, Mantova, Brescia, Torino, Novara, Verona, Bologna.

The Bewitched Biomech Tattoo.

This biomech tattoo has a troubled history. 

I created the design during the second half of 2017, it was part of a series of biomechanical studies for biomech tattoos from that period.
As soon as I shared the project on social media, it immediately achieved great success both in terms of numbers and contacts.
I don’t remember how many people contacted me to secure this biomech tattoo project, but there were many, even from the United States.
I spent three or four days answering emails discussing time, costs, travel, etc.

For my sanity I informed the numerous contenders that I would give priority to the first to make a deposit.

I waited a few days and many interested people vanished into thin air, which is pretty annoying but very common online.

A few days later a guy from Germany came forward and we scheduled to start the biomech tattoo in February 2018. In February, however, he asked me to postpone the appointments due to personal issues. Eventually those issues remained unsolved and forced him to cancel so the project was put back in the drawer.


A few months later an Italian soldier came forward and decided to start this biomech tattoo by the end of the year, unfortunately, due to a mission abroad, he too eventually preferred to give up, promising to get another one done if this design was no longer available upon his return.

There were then two other guys who signed up for this biomech project only to abandon it later.

In short, despite the success of the project and despite having aroused the interest of so many people, this work seemed to be under a sort of evil spell that prevented me from seeing it on skin.

The Exorcism

Finally, in August 2019, a guy from Trentino interested in a biomech tattoo contacted me, and as soon as he saw this project he fell in love with it.

He asked me if the colour pink could be turned into a more orangy colour. I would have preferred to remain faithful to the initial project but I gladly accepted.

That small change wouldn’t take anything away from the overall look, furthermore, recalling a conversation I had with Markus Lenhard during one of my tattoo sessions, he suggested I make some small changes, perhaps to the colour, to eliminate the alleged curse.

So I took that colour change as a kind of ironic exorcism.

Apparently it worked: D

The Misfortune Were Not Over

The project started in the Autumn of 2019 and we had planned to finish it by the end of Spring 2020, unfortunately we all know what happened.

So, between one lockdown and another, travel restrictions between regions and other follies related to Sars-Cov-2 Government skizophrenia, we had to reschedule the appointments over and over again.

After many “acrobatics” we managed to complete the work just before Christmas.

The Working Process

The first two sessions were dedicated to the outline and background greys.

In the following sessions I proceeded by colouring complete blocks. My goal, whenever possible, is to have a full part after each session.

This way the client can enjoy and show something that appears to be partially finished rather than having an arm that looks like a work in progress for too long.

This also gives me the chance to do any necessary touch-ups on the area tattooed the time before.

After the last session, dedicated to a few black and grey areas and touch-ups, we scheduled a last appointment in order to take pictures and a video of the healed tattoo but a new lockdown was announced so the final images have areas that have just been completed, others with fresh touch-ups and others that have been healed for over a year.       

When we are finally free to move, I will add images and videos of the fully healed work, although I must admit that it looks great even like this 😀

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Nwfp-l6wY[/embedyt]