Those who are about to get a tattoo always have a number of questions.
Here below you will find some fundamental and pretty exhaustive information that hopefully will help you avoid making the most common mistakes, they will make us save time and will make our meeting more productive.
Even those who are not new to tattoos will probably find some interesting info.


Money, time and pain mean nothing if compared to an artwork that will stay with you forever!
Don’t make the mistake to get one that’s not worth it… your skin deserves the best!!!
I take it seriously and I invest in it all my experience and my passion to give you the very best!
Give yourself a little of your time to read this page.

An informed choice is always the best choice.


What is a Tattoo

A tattoo is considered minor surgery and consists in introducing different kinds of pigments into the skin. To remove it it’s necessary to recur to surgery. One may be or may become allergic to pigments or metals.


It is not possible to tattoo on skin that has an ongoing inflammatory process and on moles.
In order to get a tattoo, you must not: suffer from heart disease, epilepsy, have a Pacemaker, be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, have physical or mental impediments which may affect your health and the decision to get a tattoo. Moreover, tattoos are not carried out on pregnant women and those who show signs of transmissible diseases such as tuberculosis, scabies, syphilis, gonorrhea, smallpox, measles, rubella, etc. If in doubt you must present a medical certificate.
If you are a donor you cannot donate for 12 months from the date of the tattoo.

Organs Involved

SKIN: a tattoo is a wound, even if superficial.

ADRENAL GLANDS: they will produce adrenaline, its production increases blood pressure, the ability of muscles to work and the amplitude of breathing, allowing the body to react to external situations of anxiety or concern.
BRAIN: as a normal reaction to pain, it will produce endorphins, morphine-like substances which play a key role in reducing pain sensitivity. Therefore, when the tattoo is over it will be normal to feel a little tired, especially after a long session.

Potential complications

Potential complications resulting from tattooing reported in literature are relatively rare, considering its current popularity and diffusion.

  • Allergic Reactions: tattoos may cause individual allergic reactions.
  • Granulomas: nodules that form around the injected material which the body perceives as foreign.
  • Keloids and hypertrophic scars: the formation of excessive scar material in the healing process of a wound. The most prone anatomical areas are chest, shoulders and neck. These reactions are often caused by the non-observance of basic tattoo aftercare rules and/or the irresponsible direct exposure to the sun during the healing process.
    These can be treated, within 6 months from execution, with ointments, patches, and pressure therapy. Within 3 months they can be treated with homeopathic products. Consult your doctor or a dermatologist for further information.
  • Complications from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): there have been cases of interference with the quality of the images.


The Tattoo Studio respects fundamental rules of hygiene. It’s the tattoo studio’s responsibility to prevent infections on the treated area.
We certify that:
• Needles, tubes, creams and ink cups are sterile and disposable.
• The working area is sterile and hygienically suitable.
• All equipment and supplies are highly professional.
• All colours are certified and completely suitable for use.

Colours MSDS

Colours used in this studio are hypoallergenic and are accompanied by MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).
Due to the large amount of documentation it’s not possible to provide each customer with a printed copy of these data sheets.
By clicking on the link below you will be able to download a compressed file containing all the MSDS of the colours and stencil application fluids used in this studio.


There are almost no age restrictions.

According to Italian law people under 16 cannot be tattooed and those between 16 and 18 must have parental consent but no minors are tattooed in this studio! Without exception!


That said, there are other age-related factors that must be considered. Skin becomes thin over the years, in particular elderly people who decide to get tattooed, especially if they want something big, will have to consider undergoing a larger number of short sittings in order to avoid damaging the skin.
For some unknown reason there seems to be a belief that the etiquette of tattoo studios is different from the common rules of conduct followed in other places… THIS IS NOT THE CASE! When you’re in a tattoo studio you should behave with the same sense of decorum and politeness that you use in any other place! You are the customer and we strive to provide the best service to make your experience enjoyable. On the other hand, we have the right to expect you to behave in a civil, courteous and respectful manner. Your goal and ours are the same: creating the artwork you want in the best possible way. So here is a list of things you should and SHOULDN’T do when you enter a tattoo studio.
  • Try to have some ideas about what you would like to get. You can come to get help finding subjects of course, but you should have a project that drives your decision to get a tattoo. The better you describe what you want, the easier it will be creating the design for you.
  • A tattoo studio is NOT somewhere you go to to hang out… If you are not serious about getting a tattoo, avoid wasting our time!
  • DO NOT go to a tattoo studio if you have been drinking or if you are under the influence of drugs. Show up sober! No one likes to work with crazy people! If you are “high” you will not get tattooed, at least not by someone with a reputation.
  • DO NOT try to bargain with your tattoo artist as if you were at a flea market. Bargaining with those who are working for you is bad taste and a lack of respect that will annoy the artist. The last thing you want is the artist to be in a bad mood when he tattoos you.
  • If you have a limited budget you can ask the artist to do the tattoo in multiple sittings. If you decide to get something cheaper and smaller than what you originally wanted you will certainly regret it. Remember: beautiful tattoos are not cheap and cheap tattoos are not beautiful. Those who go from studio to studio searching for the cheapest one have ugly tattoos.
  • DO NOT ask the artist to draw something just to get an idea or just to satisfy your curiosity. The time spent drawing for you is not free and if you don’t know what you want or you’re not ready to pay the price of a professional service please avoid wasting our time.
  • Pay attention to hygiene. Unfortunately, there are people that need to be told! There is nothing worse than having to do with someone who is not clean. You don’t go to the doctor’s without taking a shower, then do the same for your tattoo artist.
  • DO NOT bring a “support group” with you! No artist wants to deal with a bunch of friends who crowd the studio while he is trying to discuss or draw your tattoo.
  • DO NOT bring children to the tattoo studio, it’s not a suitable place for them! Children get bored, they need to move and they are curious. The last thing you want is your child strolling around the studio touching supplies that could be dangerous for him/her. Moreover, concentration and calm are needed in order to work on your tattoo. A child would be a continuous distraction, for you and the artist.
All this should be common sense but reality is different and the tattoo artist sometimes finds himself having to do with people who don’t respect these simple rules of conduct. Do him and yourself a favour, next time you visit a tattoo studio use some common sense and decency. A little courtesy and etiquette will make the experience much more rewarding and enjoyable for both of you.

First of all remember that a work on skin is not an item of clothing that you can change whenever you want. A tattoo is forever! Therefore choose the very best!

Luckily, more and more people see tattoos for what they really are, art on skin! Those who believe tattoos have nothing to do with figurative art are mistaken. Tattoo art uses a different medium compared to traditional art media but the concept is the same, creating figurative artwork.

In recent years tattoo art has reached a once unimaginable diffusion, consequently, the range of choice has increased but at the same time the risk of choosing the wrong tattooer has also increased, a mistake that would have very unpleasant repercussions. Imagine having on your skin something that doesn’t convince you, or even worse, something you feel ashamed of, that every day will be there to remind you of your mistake and make you feel uncomfortable.
Imagine instead of how you feel when you wear nice clothes and everybody compliments you, it’s a very pleasant feeling don’t you think?
The more you’re sure of what you want and that the artist you have chosen is the best available one to create your project, the more you will be sure of obtaining an artwork that will satisfy you over time, avoiding your tattoo becoming the fuckup that makes everybody laugh except you. Your tattoo has the power to make you feel better if chosen carefully and is artfully executed by the right artist.
If you think that the tattoo you have chosen is small enough to be eventually removed by laser or covered with a larger tattoo or because you don’t want to spend too much, avoid getting one!!!
Nowadays tattoos can be removed with laser (see related article), but it’s not a pleasant procedure, there’s no guarantee that they will disappear completely and generally one doesn’t choose to decorate his/her skin and then remove everything after some time. You could also cover it in the future with a larger, more beautiful and elaborate tattoo, but wouldn’t it be better to make the best choice right from the start?
Often, people who are planning of getting their first tattoo choose something very small and not too elaborate fearing that, over time, they will grow tired of it and they will regret it. But those who choose a small tattoo usually end up regretting the very opposite, not having done it bigger and more elaborate in the first place.
What makes you think that by choosing something tiny and unattractive you will be able to stand the idea of wearing it even if you don’t like it anymore?
It’s almost certain that if you limit your choices you will end up regretting it.
Treat your tattoo and the choice you make with respect, in an intelligent and informed way. Don’t let others tell you what you should do, not even your best friend or your girlfriend/boyfriend. Your skin belongs to you only! Your tattoo will be there to remind you of the respect you have towards yourself and your skin, the reason why you did it, where and who did it for you; forever!
Those who decide to get their first tattoo are sometimes frightened by the idea of colour for the same reasons they are afraid of size. Sometimes it’s an unconscious fear linked to the memory of having seen ugly tattoos and one is afraid of obtaining a bad result, as if an ugly black and grey tattoo would be more tolerable than a coloured one.
The goal is to get an artwork, not the least bad!!!
Having said that, to clarify what’s best for you, think about art, what kind of painting would you hang on your wall? Do you prefer black and grey or coloured artwork? If you prefer black and grey paintings you may indeed have an attraction to this style but if you prefer a coloured painting, then a coloured tattoo is probably best for you.
Furthermore, the tattoo you are getting today may be the first of many, so make sure it’s done in a way that it can be extended in the future. It’s better to have an organic artwork than having a number of tattoos scattered all over your body.
Your tattoo is a companion that you will carry with you forever.
If you were looking for a life companion would you settle for someone slightly ugly and insignificant for fear of regretting your choice over time or would you rather look for the best available?
If you have decided to get a tattoo, you have probably thought of a design, then another and another. Maybe you have something in mind but haven’t found the design yet. You don’t need to find the design, you need to find a professional artist who is able to create what you want. If you want a tailored suit would you visit all the clothing stores hoping to find a suit with your exact measurements and is exactly how you imagined or would you go to a tailor who is able to create exactly what you want? If you’re smart enough you will choose the second option knowing that a good tailor has the necessary know-how, talent and experience to help and advise you in the creation of your tailored suit. As we say in Italy: “To each his own.”
Bringing some reference images with you may help the artist understand the kind of design you want. But don’t get hung up on the images and listen to the artist’s advice regarding what can and can’t be done and how it can be best achieved.
Avoid, as far as possible, entering a search in Google Images, you won’t find much of good quality. Go to the newsstand instead and buy a tattoo magazine, or better still, to a well-stocked bookstore and look for books about tattoos to get an idea of what is possible to do on skin and of the various styles from which you can choose. Also look for illustrated books and art books where you could find even more beautiful and original inspiration. Do not panic, it’s perfectly normal to be a little unsure regarding the choice of the subject, but if you widen your range of options you will also increase the chances of choosing something you will be proud of in the years to come.

Avoid asking a friend who is in art school or who can kind of draw to design your tattoo and at the same time avoid drawing it yourself unless you or your friend are really very talented or are professional illustrators and even in this case you have to keep in mind that drawing on paper is very different from drawing on skin. The fact that you spent hours or days drawing something you feel proud of (that a professional artist would probably do better in 10 minutes) doesn’t mean it’s nice and even if you can see thousands of meanings in that drawing, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are there, visible and/or well structured.

A beautiful drawing with meanings is even more beautiful, but a thousand meanings won’t make a bad drawing beautiful.

So find an artist who has the necessary knowledge and experience to develop and create your tattoo and let him guide you.

If you already have a design it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s suitable for a tattoo. Almost anything can be tattooed, but a tattoo artist is not a printer. If you take a painting, which was probably drawn in a huge format, and you reduce the image with a printer to a ridiculously small size, it most definitely cannot be done. Again, a tattoo artist is not a printer and your skin is not a sheet of paper.
Avoid asking the copy of somebody else’s tattoo. Copying somebody else’s artwork is a lack of respect towards the artist that did it, towards the customer who paid to have a unique work, towards yourself and finally towards the artist who’s been asked to copy. No artist with ethics and a reputation will accept a similar request.
The best thing you could do is choose a unique tattoo. Ask those who have tattoos and in particular those who have beautiful tattoos, everyone will tell you the same thing: having something unique is the best decision you can make.
As for inspiration, there are an infinity of themes to choose from: hobbies, passions, art, your life, your philosophy of life etc. Tattooed and non-tattooed people, specialized magazines and if you listen to it even your common sense, will tell you that writing the name of the love of the moment, band logos etc. are to be avoided. Even if you don’t agree, in a couple of years you may have changed your mind on many things.
If you have an ironic tattoo in mind, what makes you laugh today may not be so much fun in a couple of months and in a couple of years you may even find it stupid.
Also avoid fashionable graphics or themes, some graphic styles lose their charm over time. Think about some cars, or design objects, they seemed beautiful when they first appeared on the market but after only a couple of years that design lost its charm to the point it becomes obsolete or even ugly.
Think of your body as a beautiful building and imagine walking by one day and seeing a fresco on that building, you would probably think that an artist completed the work.
Imagine instead of seeing that building covered in symbols and writings done with spray paint, you would probably think that some vandal defaced its walls, wouldn’t you?
So think carefully about the work you want and avoid vandalizing your body.
The choice of the artist depends on what you want on your skin, the style you prefer and your personal taste. So before choosing a tattooer over another look at his portfolio, if his portfolio doesn’t convince you don’t let him lay his hands on you, go away and look for another one.
There is nothing more stupid than choosing a tattooer because he is cheap, because he’s closer to home, because he has tattooed your friends or because he’s a friend of your cousin’s. An artist who is great at Japanese tattoos may not be as good at doing biomechanicals or portraits etc. Always remember, look at the portfolio of the artist by whom you want to get tattooed with the same critical eye with which you would look at an art book!!!
The portfolio is not a catalogue from which you can choose your design, but a collection of the best work the artist has done over the years. Something to look at to verify the artistic skills of the tattooer and understand if he’s the right artist for you.
Make sure the pictures are of good quality. Some pictures may not be too good for many reasons, the client was in a hurry, there may be reflections in the picture, some areas of a freshly finished tattoo are bleeding or maybe the client didn’t come back to take a good picture, but overall they must be able to give a clear idea about the quality offered by the artist.
You must like the designs, maybe the work is state-of-the-art but taste and the emotions provoked by an image are totally subjective. So make sure the images you see meet your taste. Verify the symmetry and placement of tattoos. A badly placed tattoo could mean that the tattoo was not carefully executed. A customer may have insisted on an unsuitable placement, but if the badly placed tattoos are many you ought to think about it. A good artist, if necessary, prepares the stencil over and over again until it’s perfectly placed.
Make sure the lines are not wobbly or irregular. There are designs that require lines of different thickness of course but you should be able to recognize good outlines.
The same applies to colours. Fresh tattoos are often slightly red and irritated but the skin doesn’t have to appear “mangled”. The area of a colour without any shading should be uniform and the grey shading should be soft and gradual.
After having verified that the portfolio shows the ability to do good tattoos, you then have to decide if he’s the right artist for you.
For example, if you want a pin-up, make sure he is able to draw human anatomy. Do not choose someone who doesn’t have a single drawing of a human figure. The same goes for portraits. If he claims to be able to do them and there is not a single portrait in his portfolio then something is wrong! The photo used as reference should be shown next to the tattoo, if you want your dad’s portrait you at least want it to look like him and not end up with some stranger’s face on your arm!
If you don’t see the type/style of tattoo you want, chances are that he has never done that kind of subject before or that he doesn’t want to do it.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that the artist wouldn’t take the job as a challenge doing a great job of it. But if there is something that an artist would like to do and hasn’t done yet, he will probably show some sketches of subjects he would like to tattoo so that potential clients can at least see that kind of artwork on paper.

A tattooer includes his best work in his portfolio, so, if in the portfolio there are plenty of tattoos that don’t convince you imagine what those he didn’t include are like!

When you look at a tattooer’s portfolio, not only is it important to look for the right artist but also to understand its value. Price is the last thing to worry about when it comes to tattoos, but one cannot completely ignore it. Like everything else, when you buy something you want to have an idea of the value of what you’re buying. If you think an artist is expensive he probably offers a higher quality and care compared to a cheaper one and this must be visible from the work he shows in his portfolio. This doesn’t mean that an expensive artist is suitable for the type of work you want, but you certainly wouldn’t go to the cheapest one just to save money. The psychological involvement of a tattoo is very high. Would you rather go to a cheap dentist or to one who is more expensive but much better at what he does? Quality has its price. No one sells you a castle for the cost of a hut. If you don’t see it that way, you’re values are whacked out so go and get some junk elsewhere!!!
In conclusion, look at as many portfolios as you can before choosing a tattoo artist who is suitable for you!
And remember to ask questions! As a Chinese saying says:
“He who asks questions is a fool for five minutes; he who doesn’t remains a fool forever”.
With the ever massive diffusion of TV shows dedicated to tattoos, we are now accustomed to seeing people with tattoos in full view. When the tattoo is finished you’ll obviously want to show it to as many people as possible, but there may be occasions in which it would be better or you may want to cover them. So avoid neck and hands as your first tattoos.
Not everybody is open to tattoos and you might trigger unexpected reactions in others. You will have plenty of time to do larger and more visible tattoos in the future when you have experienced what it means to have a tattoo, how others react to it and how you will react to it yourself.
That said, every area of the human body can be tattooed, but some drawings are best suited for some areas rather than others.
Areas of the body where the skin is thinner or has a distinctive conformation, where the ink can easily smudge over time (i.e. wrists, knees, elbows etc.), are probably not the best areas for particularly intricate designs.
The human body is not a flat surface like a sheet of paper, it has cylindrical areas, bumps and hollow areas that tend to deform the drawing. So trust the artist’s advice regarding the best areas to place the artwork.
Many choices in life are dictated by the amount of money we can spend but this is the wrong way to approach tattoos. You have to get what you want, not what you can afford. When you have figured out what you want, the next step is finding the artist who is able to create it, not how much money you want or can spend!
You may sometimes think that the amount is too high for a tattoo but remember that tattoos, especially large ones, are done in several sittings so you can spread that amount of money over a long period of time. Furthermore, the tattoo artist is not a lending institution where you have to pay a precise monthly installment. The amount of time between sittings shouldn’t be excessive of course, an artist constantly improves and you definitely don’t want having to do with an artist who has become disenchanted with the piece or has forgotten how he wanted to colour it, develop it, etc. But several weeks, even a few months in case of large projects, can pass between one sitting and the other. Some tattoos even take years to be completed.
Do the math. Throughout your life you buy shoes, clothes, mobile phones and, to exaggerate, cars, spending large amounts of money on items that you will eventually replace or throw away. Tattoos cannot be replaced! So choose what you want regardless of cost. When you have the price get yourself organized, deciding the best time to start and how to spread the sittings over a period of time that allows you to meet the cost.
If you think that the best artist for your tattoo is located in England, Japan, the US etc. put some money aside and go there!
You should have what you want on your skin, not what you can afford at the time! Not only will you have what you want but you’ll have an exciting story to tell for life, a story drawn on your skin!
There’s no hurry, making the right choice is what’s important!


If it’s your first tattoo you may feel a little nervous, don’t worry, it’s completely normal! The fear of pain, that will fade away almost immediately, unless you have chosen a particularly sensitive area, could leave room to another critical thought, perhaps only subconsciously; you know you are doing something that will irreversibly modify your body, this thought may increase the potential state of agitation. In this case, immediately report it to the tattoo artist. Even a short break is sufficient to avoid any pressure drops caused by tension.

In the days preceding the tattoo it’s IMPORTANT to avoid consuming alcohol or taking drugs, if you are a smoker limit the number of cigarettes, avoid overeating or eating anything too elaborate. Diet is very important, should pimples form on the area to be tattooed you may not be able to get tattooed.
Do not overexert yourself, drink plenty of water and try to get a good rest. If your body is in perfect shape it will be easier for your body to produce endorphins, raising your threshold of tolerance.
In addition, to reduce the stress the skin will be subjected to, wax the area to be tattooed at least 48 hours before and apply some moisturizer. As an alternative you could also shave the area 24 hours before or on the very same day, but it’s important that you know that in this case body hair will start to regrow after a few days causing discomfort and itching that may compromise the healing process. Should you opt for waxing I suggest you get it done a couple of days before by a professional beautician in order to avoid potential folliculitis; in order to avoid it do not wear tight clothes after waxing and maintain good personal hygiene. Check lunar phases, hair grows much faster when shaved on a full or crescent moon.
  • Prior to the sitting carefully clean the skin with a body scrub to remove potential layers of dead skin.
  • If you are under treatment with any type of medication inform your tattoo artist before you book an appointment in order to schedule it after the treatment is over.
  • If you’re a girl try to schedule the appointment far from your menstrual cycle, during their period many women become hypersensitive and even the slightest pain becomes unbearable, so avoid getting a tattoo during that time or in the days immediately before or after.
  • Do not show up on an empty stomach, be sure to eat something at least a couple of hours before. In the event of a long sitting bring something to keep your sugar levels up, a soft drink may be enough.
  • Avoid coffee, energy drinks, and if you really can’t do without it limit its intake. If you usually drink coffee after meals it won’t be a problem but if you are one of those people who drinks a large amount of coffee during the day, it’s important that you limit its intake to the minimum. Caffeine stiffens the skin making it harder for your artist to work.
  • Wear something casual and definitely avoid wearing your favourite clothes. During the procedure some drops of colour or blood may stain the clothes. Tattoo colours are difficult to wash off. I don’t think you’d want to ruin your favourite item of clothing!
Some people arrive early, sometimes excessively early. Honestly I prefer those who are 5/10 minutes late rather than those who are 20 minutes early (if not earlier). Remember, you’re not going to the doctor’s. I work by appointment only, so no one can steal your place.
Pain varies depending on the area of the body you choose, areas with small amounts of muscle and close to the bones are the most painful but it’s usually bearable, sometimes it’s simply a little annoying. In any case, everyone has a different pain threshold, so it’s almost impossible to quantify it. If necessary, on the market there are creams and ointments that have an anaesthetic/soothing effect, a list of which is available under Creams. However, they are not recommended, in particular for tattoos that require long sessions, because they don’t allow the body to get accustomed to pain, so, when the effect vanishes, the pain becomes unbearable. While the extensive use of ointments ruins the final result.
According to Italian law, tattoo artists are not allowed to administer anything to you, so, if you really deem it necessary, you will have to get the product you deem most appropriate for your needs yourself.
Here on the right-hand side you can find out what are the most painful places to get a tattoo.
Rule no. 1. Don’t Move.


Rule no. 2. Don’t Move.


Rule no. 3. If I ask you to “Stand still”, it means you have broken the first two rules.
Remember that your skin is not a sheet of paper, even the slightest movement will make the rest of your body move too, so, to ensure the success of the work, it’s extremely important that you don’t move. There are people who constantly move, this will only extend the sitting’s duration and puts the success of the work at risk.
Imagine if someone were to continuously move the sheet of paper while you are trying to draw, or think about how hard it would be to draw in the car while the driver is driving on a bumpy road. This is what your artist has to face if you are constantly moving. Not only is it difficult to focus but it’s even harder to draw the lines or do shading properly.


Rule no. 4. If you have to laugh, cough, use hand gestures, scratch etc. let me know in advance.
Avoid making unexpected movements. A tattoo is definitely not painless, but it’s not torture either, many simply consider it annoying. When you want to take a break don’t hesitate to tell your tattoo artist.
This obviously doesn’t mean that you can interrupt him every 10 minutes. A short break every hour or so is normal and also welcomed by the artist, but constantly interrupting him would mean making him lose his concentration and making his job more difficult.


Rule no. 5. Complaining is useless.
Another thing that may put the success of your tattoo at risk is constant complaining. Getting tattooed isn’t exactly a pleasant procedure, but constant complaining negatively impacts concentration. Enthusiasm is contagious, exactly like intolerance. A person who constantly complains puts the artist in a psychological state of discomfort so he will likely try to get away from the situation by finishing the work quickly and, as you can image, being in a hurry leads to no good. So try to relax. The best way to control pain is breathing properly and if you know any relaxation techniques you are welcome to use them, otherwise try to concentrate on something else. If you are particularly sensitive I suggest you look for relaxation and/or self-hypnosis techniques up on the internet. A couple of days practice will be enough to familiarize yourself with such techniques and once you have mastered them, it will be easy for you to use them during the sitting.


Rule no. 6. Mobile phones must be left outside the operating room!
In recent years, many people live with their mobile phones “glued” to their hands. In the tattoo studio, it’s better that you separate from your mobile phone making sure it is switched off or set to silent and left outside the operating area.
Minding your own business on the phone while the artist is putting his best effort into the work that you will carry on your skin forever, besides being a lack of respect, is a distraction for both you and the artist and it can provoke involuntary movements making it hard for him to work.
If you have to make or take important phone calls, please make them before the session begins or during breaks.


Rule no. 7. Do not undertake any action.
The studio is an aseptic area and it must remain so, there are a number of procedures that the artist follows in order to avoid potential contamination. He knows what needs to be done, you don’t. Therefore, do not touch anything in his working area, even if your simply thinking of lending a hand, and before you do anything, ask!
Do not touch your tattoo during its execution. If your tattoo starts bleeding during breaks do not touch it but ask your tattoo artist to wipe it instead. This will prevent potential contamination.
If you think that the position you have to hold during the sitting is uncomfortable do not complain and don’t try to convince the artist to work in a position that is more comfortable for you. The tattoo artist is the one who needs to be comfortable not you. He knows what to do in order to achieve the best result and he’s the one who needs to be sufficiently comfortable in order to do precise lines and good shadings. If that means holding an uncomfortable position for a while think of how less important that is compared to the final result.
If the position is really so uncomfortable feel free to ask your tattoo artist to take more breaks, his aim is to have your skin sufficiently stretched and in a favourable position in order to do a great job, definitely not that of breaking your back 😉
Some tattoo artists are chatter-boxes, others aren’t. If your artist is silent, do not force him to talk, it’s probably his way of concentrating and it’s not in your best interest to make him lose his concentration while he’s trying to do his job in the best possible way. Avoid useless and/or rude questions. Asking how much the equipment costs is considered bad taste. Asking whether there is any difference between a tattoo machine and another is a question with an obvious answer. A painter uses different kinds of brushes, a tattoo artist uses different kinds of machines.
One can talk about anything but the rule remains the same, count to 10 before asking a question of which you are not sure of and that the artist has probably heard a thousand times (you can find the answers to all your most obvious questions simply by looking them up on the internet). Think about whether you would ask the same questions to your dentist or mechanic, you probably wouldn’t.
A tattoo artist is a professional figure like any other, his goal is to put you at ease and considering the informal situation it’s normal that some degree of complicity is involved but this doesn’t mean that you can treat him like your friend down at the pub or with less respect than any other professional figure.


The success and longevity of your tattoo depend on the care you dedicate to it in the first few days. To prevent any form of infection and/or irritation, on the day of getting the tattoo, change the bed linens, especially if you have pets at home that sleep with you. In the latter case, avoid letting them get on the bed during the healing period.

  • Remove the transparent film applied after the session as soon as you return home or within a few hours. Wash it thoroughly with very hot water and antibacterial or neutral soap to remove any blood or color clots. Washing the tattoo with very hot water can be quite uncomfortable, but it will speed up the healing process and make it simpler.
  • Gently pat it dry with a paper towel to avoid lint that can cause infections and apply a thin layer of cream. As soon as blood or serum surfaces, repeat the process until they stop oozing. This will significantly reduce the amount of scabs and make the healing process faster and easier to care for.
  • During the first night, apply a slightly larger amount of cream and use the provided covering to absorb any discharge. If the covering has adhered to some parts of the tattoo in the morning, do not force its removal but place the affected area under running water to make removal easier.
  • From the following day, gently wash it 2-3 times a day with warm water and antibacterial or neutral soap, pat it dry, and apply thin layers of cream. It’s better to apply a thin layer several times a day than too much cream all at once. Applying too much cream will not allow the skin to breathe, prolonging the healing process.
  • Prefer showers over baths and avoid staying in water for too long.
  • Avoid direct sunlight, saunas, pools, the sea, and UV lamps.
  • Cover the tattoo only if you work with powders (e.g., cement), using transparent film, and remove it as soon as possible. Do not scratch or rub it with tight clothing, and do not pick at the scabs. Only wear cotton or linen garments in contact with the tattoo.
  • If the itching becomes unbearable during the healing process, rinse it with cool water and apply the cream.

After it has healed, continue to clean it regularly and apply moisturizing cream 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Avoid sun exposure even after healing. Always protect the tattoo with a high-protection sunscreen (at least SPF 30+), or better yet, with a UV protection sleeve.

The tattoo may bleed, but it will stop within 2-3 hours. Avoid letting the scabs dry out or get too wet; they should always be kept moisturized. The average healing time for the epidermis is 2-3 weeks, while the underlying dermis takes about 90 days to fully regenerate. But don’t worry, only the first few weeks require careful care.

Skin is not as steady as a sheet of paper; it’s an elastic surface that is subjected to repeated daily stretching and movements, so it’s normal for the lines of your tattoo to slightly spread and lose definition over the years, almost like a photo that is slightly out of focus, especially where skin is thinner and subjected to more “stress”: knees, elbows, neck, wrists etc. For this reason small tattoos with lots of details are not recommended.
Furthermore, the body ages over time and the tattoo along with it, so the lifespan of your tattoo will also depend on how well you take care of yourself. Sports and moisturizing creams are obviously recommended to keep your body and skin toned over the years, not only for your tattoo but also for yourself.
However, ink and needle technology has improved a lot over the last few years so, unless you experience considerable and rapid weight gain/loss or other kinds of intense stress that may have an impact on your skin, the appearance of your tattoo shouldn’t change dramatically.
If you’re planning to start going to the gym or start a weight-loss plan, it’s best that you do so before getting tattooed. Imagine a drawing on a balloon, if you deflate it the drawing will become smaller but not necessarily in a uniform way, on the the other hand, if you inflate it the drawing will blow up becoming almost comical.
So if you have similar plans for your body, it’s best that you postpone the decision of getting tattooed until after having achieved your goal. While if you have been promising yourself to go on a diet or start a gym class for years without ever doing it… I don’t think there will be much of a problem 😜
Remember that colour is not over but below the skin’s surface so the colour shade shall be directly interrelated to your skin tone.
For example, if you have a very dark complexion it will be hard to obtain bright colours. A good artist, however, will be able to help you choose the colours that work best for your skin tone and create the necessary contrasts to make the artwork as bright as possible.
Also remember that tattoo colours are just like any other colour. Sunlight splits colour molecules apart, tattoo pigments included. So, in order to preserve the artwork you’re wearing on your skin, it’s highly recommended that you protect your tattoo with a high protection sunscreen (at least SPF 30 or over) when you go out in the sun, especially if you like to sunbathe. An anti-UV sleeve is even better.
I also invite you to watch this fun video:

Bepanthen is relatively cheap and can be found in any pharmacy or drugstore.
On the market there are several other specific creams and lotions for tattoo aftercare, some may even be better than Bepanthen but unless you have a supplier close to you you will have to buy them online.
Here below you will find the links to their respective manufacturers.
It’s up to you to choose the one you think is best for you. If you have any allergies make sure you check the ingredients before you purchase them.


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