After exploring the aesthetics and evolution of Biomechanical tattoos in the previous article, we will now delve into the complexity of their meaning. We will explore different interpretations and the deep significance of these fascinating tattoos.

The Future on Skin

In the 1970s, science fiction rapidly captivated popular culture thanks to TV series like UFO, Space: 1999, Star Trek, and characters like Grendizer, Steel Jeeg, Mazinger or Gundam, just to name a few. They shaped the cultural landscape of the time, influencing those who, like me, were kids back then.

immagine storica di Goldrake - Ufo robot
Characters from Grendizer Ufo Robot

However, the decisive moment was the encounter with the art of H.R. Giger. His unique work, capable of transporting us to alien and often disturbing worlds, captured my imagination, even though the path to creating biomech tattoos was anything but straightforward.

Disegno per il film Alien di H.R. Giger
Alien by H.R. Giger

School commitments first and work later, combined with the limited availability of reference material in the late 80s and throughout the 90s (a time when the internet was still in its infancy and very different from today), made it difficult to delve into this passion. Furthermore, in the 90s, the tattoos people asked for were predominantly tribal and small in size, delaying my ability to create biomech tattoos by almost a decade, which initially leaned towards the robotic, a trend that continues today.

tatuaggio biomeccanico in corso
work in progress of a tattoo by Jerry Magni

Biomechanical Art Beyond the Robotic

Robotic tattoos have now forcefully entered the realm of biomech tattoos, often being called simply “biomechanical,” but this is almost a misnomer, especially after the evolution of recent decades. Biomech tattoos, eventually and not necessarily, create a fusion between the organic and the mechanical. It’s an art that goes beyond mere mechanical representation and, as we saw in the previous article, is not limited to that alone.

Biomech tattoos, especially in their relatively abstract form, give life to alien, vegetal, animal, and even imaginary mechanical figures. These elements merge to create unknown worlds that fascinate and astound the viewer’s eye.

Tatuaggio biomeccanico in bianco e nero e azzurro con teschio alieno al centro. Realizzato da Jerry Magni, miglior tatuatore italiano, Lobardia, Bergamo, Como, Lecco, Crema, Cremona, Varese, Milano
B10-4L13N ©Jerry Magni

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The Depth of Meaning

In the world of tattoos, where meaning often takes on greater importance than the quality of the tattoo itself, it’s certainly interesting to try to understand the meanings behind biomechanical tattoos.

The meaning of biomech tattoos varies widely. Each individual attributes different meanings to them, influenced by their own experience and personality. For example, the desire to own a Ferrari may represent the quest for intense emotions for some people, while for others, it may be a symbol of social status or aesthetic affirmation. Motivations are multiple and nuanced, and the same goes for biomech tattoos and beyond.

Depending on the chosen style within this artistic genre, motivations can be very different. In my experience, those who opt for a typically robotic or specific mechanical part biomechanical tattoo often do so to express their love for the world of engines or mechanics in general. Others, on the other hand, choose this style to evoke a sense of power inspired by cybernetic characters in movies. These are just examples; the spectrum of possibilities is certainly broader.

Terminator T-800 dall'omonimo film: Terminator
Terminator T-800

We can hypothesize that those who choose a biomechanical tattoo with vegetal forms may want to express their love for nature, those who choose forms reminiscent of crustaceans may want to manifest their desire to feel resilient, and those who choose alien or space-like forms may be telling us they have a particular attraction to mystery, which, upon closer inspection, biomech tattoos are associated with in all their forms.

Not to mention all the hidden meanings that can be inserted into a biomech tattoo, more or less visible symbols, words, codes, colours, and so on.

dettaglio di tatuaggio biomeccanico di Jerry Magni
Detail of a biomech tattoo by ©Jerry Magni

The Hidden Meaning behind the Metal

Personally, I’ve never worried about attributing a meaning to biomech tattoos, especially in recent years. A tattoo doesn’t necessarily have to have a meaning, although it is certainly an added bonus if it does.

The most important aspect is that the tattoo is visually appealing and harmonious with the body. When I look at a sunset, a beautiful landscape, or a beautiful girl, I don’t need a meaning to appreciate them.

Tramonto in Nuova Zelanda

However, one of the most interesting exercises for an artist, and not only, is to understand why we like something. In this investigation, I’ve always focused on the technical and aesthetic aspect, until, during a conversation with one of my clients, specifically about biomechanical tattoos, I delved much deeper into my research.

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Beyond Aesthetics: Art That Touches the Soul

Tattoos are given all possible and imaginable meanings, sometimes even limiting or trivial, but a human being is much more complex, constantly evolving, a tangle of emotions, feelings, ideas, and concepts that change over time, sometimes even completely overturning. Not to mention external and internal influences. Therefore, I find it reductive to encapsulate one’s essence in one of the many meanings: hope, family, love for a person, etc.

progetto per tatuaggio biomeccanico a tutta manica di Jerry Magni
F4C-1L3 Project for a biomech tattoo sleeve ©Jerry Magni

Biomechanical tattoos, like my recent works, which incorporate interweaving shapes and surfaces, geometric elements, and contrasts between hard and soft surfaces, fully represent the complexity of the human being. They represent the tangle of emotions, rationality and, through empty spaces from which deep lights emerge, also the fusion between matter and spirituality. In this sense, they become the perfect representation of human complexity, both from a technical and symbolic point of view, surpassing in meaning all other tattoo styles.

It is as if the intricate designs and mechanical details represent a kind of tangle of the human soul, with all its emotions, intuitions, and experiences.

M3C-HL4-DY Progetto per tatuaggio biomeccanico di Jerry Magni
M3C-HL4-DY Project for a biomech tattoo sleeve ©Jerry Magni

This is why I believe that these tattoos are a representation not only of our material aspect but also of our spiritual dimension. Each person is a universe of thoughts, feelings, and connections with the world, and biomech tattoos beautifully capture this complexity.

Tribal Tattoos of the Future

We can consider biomechanical tattoos as the modern evolution of tribal tattoos. While ancient tribes developed an aesthetic and spiritual language through their tribal tattoos, biomech tattoos do something similar but integrate Western art techniques such as perspective, chiaroscuro, realism, and surrealism. Not to mention the valuable contribution of the contrasts and flow of the Japanese school, developed over seven centuries, which has enriched all genres of tattooing.

progetto per tatuaggio biomeccanico di Jerry Magni
FLØ-R4 Project for a biomech tattoo sleeve ©Jerry Magni

The Mystery of Biomechanical Tattoos Unveiled

So biomechanical tattoos go beyond aesthetics and rationalization, reaching the unconscious in a complete way.

In conclusion, the deepest reason that drives people to want a biomech tattoo is probably the awareness of their own complexity. They find it limiting to attribute a defined or definitive meaning to such a multifaceted and profound work of art.

It took me more than thirty years, but I finally understood why biomechanical tattoos are so popular, even among those who would never get one 😄

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