A tattoo is considered minor surgery and consists in introducing different kinds of pigments into the skin. To remove it it’s necessary to recur to surgery. One may be or may become allergic to pigments or metals.
It is not possible to tattoo on skin that has an ongoing inflammatory process and on moles.
In order to get a tattoo, you must not: suffer from heart disease, epilepsy, have a Pacemaker, be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, have physical or mental impediments which may affect your health and the decision to get a tattoo. Moreover, tattoos are not carried out on pregnant women and those who show signs of transmissible diseases such as tuberculosis, scabies, syphilis, gonorrhea, smallpox, measles, rubella, etc. If in doubt you must present a medical certificate.
If you are a donor you cannot donate for 12 months from the date of the tattoo.
Organs Involved
SKIN: a tattoo is a wound, even if superficial.
ADRENAL GLANDS: they will produce adrenaline, its production increases blood pressure, the ability of muscles to work and the amplitude of breathing, allowing the body to react to external situations of anxiety or concern.
BRAIN: as a normal reaction to pain, it will produce endorphins, morphine-like substances which play a key role in reducing pain sensitivity. Therefore, when the tattoo is over it will be normal to feel a little tired, especially after a long session.
Potential complications
Potential complications resulting from tattooing reported in literature are relatively rare, considering its current popularity and diffusion.
- Allergic Reactions: tattoos may cause individual allergic reactions.
- Granulomas: nodules that form around the injected material which the body perceives as foreign.
- Keloids and hypertrophic scars: the formation of excessive scar material in the healing process of a wound. The most prone anatomical areas are chest, shoulders and neck. These reactions are often caused by the non-observance of basic tattoo aftercare rules and/or the irresponsible direct exposure to the sun during the healing process.
These can be treated, within 6 months from execution, with ointments, patches, and pressure therapy. Within 3 months they can be treated with homeopathic products. Consult your doctor or a dermatologist for further information.
- Complications from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): there have been cases of interference with the quality of the images.
Studio Responsibility
The Tattoo Studio respects fundamental rules of hygiene. It’s the tattoo studio’s responsibility to prevent infections on the treated area.
We certify that:
• Needles, tubes and ink cups are sterile and disposable.
• The working area is sterile and hygienically suitable.
• All equipment and supplies are highly professional.
• All colours are certified and completely suitable for use.
Colours MSDS
Colours used in this studio are hypoallergenic and are accompanied by MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).
Due to the large amount of documentation it’s not possible to provide each customer with a printed copy of these data sheets.
By clicking on the link below you will be able to download a compressed file containing all the MSDS of the colours and stencil application fluids used in this studio.